Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Crash bandicoot
Hello blogers!
My favourite video-game is Crash bandicoot, this game is about the adventures of a bandicoot called Crash.
I like this game because it reminds me my holidays in the country, where I played with my cousins. Besides, it has good graphics and beauty landscapes.
In this game Crash has to fight against mutant animal, who are directed by a bad villain. In order to rescue his girlfriend, but before that, he has to defeat the villain Neo Cortex. In an archipelago situated to the south of Australia.
My preferred part is when he has to climb on some stone giants and to defeat the giants, he hits them with his special attack. And other favourite part is when he screams saying “Wooah!”.

My favourite character is Aku-Aku, this is a human spirit reincarnated as a mask that helps Crash, giving him special powers, like invincibility. Aku-aku makes a sound very particular which is “Rutabaga”.I remember when I was eight years old, with a cousin, we had to order all the beds in the house, so my aunt let us play Crash bandicoot on the console called play station one. But I haven’t played it since a long time ago.

What is your favourite game?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

A teacher that has inspired me

Hello dears bloggers!
I want to tell you that I have two favorite teachers and that it is very difficult to decide to talk about a specific one. But, I will tell you about my dearest teacher Jaime Hernández.

Within our career (forestry) we can develop in several areas, he is dedicated to teaching and research, among her main areas of work are: geomatics, landscape ecology, spatial analysis, among others.

Personally he was my teacher of Geomatis in the third year of college, he is a person who knows so much and explains this information very clearly, on the other hand he also, generates a very pleasant atmosphere within the community, with its closeness and sympathy. In addition to all the things he has taught us and that amazes me, he has done great work, such as a study on the spatial distribution of Chagas disease using environmental variables and people's knowledge. It’s amazing!

This year (2019) I am attending a workshop, where he is the guide teacher, this workshop is called advanced geomatics and in not much classes he has taught us so much. I love the ecological vision of the course, since we are studying the natural distribution of native species of the country. Also, he promotes free software!

I would love to do some work using all the tools he has given me.