Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My best career training

Hello bloggers!
Today I will talk about my best career training. It is very difficult to choose only one, since in my four years studying I lost track of all the trips we have had. I can easily say that there have been more than twenty practices, between going as a student, assistant and support for research teachers.

I will talk about practice two, this was when I was in the second year of my career, in the year 2018 (summer period) and we went to Malleco. This place is in the Araucania region, in the province of Malleco, near to Curacutín.

We stayed at this beautiful place for a week in a stayed at a school. From which we traveled every day to the Malleco National Reserve and one day we went to the Malalcahuello national reserve.
In general, the theme of this activity was the characterization and analysis of the main types of forests. Mainly, old forests, of the genus Nothofagus, composed of Nothofagus dombeyi (Coihue), Nothofagus alpina (Raulí) and Nothofagus obliqua (Roble) and other pure formation of Nothofagus antarctica (Ñirre). And exceptionally we visited a formation of Araucaria Araucana (Pewen).  We evaluate the dynamics of these forests, all the changes that occur after these natural processes such as landslides, fires or after volcanic eruptions.

I think this has been one of the best practices for the places we visited, everything learned, the people who went and the tranquility granted by these majestic forests.

In addition, I tell you that when we were leaving this place I said that I was going back and I did it, the following year I returned as an assistant. It was an equally good experience and now I understood much better everything they had taught me before.

what has been your best career training?